使用 Playground v2 新功能文字框, 可以在場景中輸入文字, 在場景內的朋友也可以一起編輯~~
Playground 製作團隊 (Jon, Benny) 和 憑感覺動作 合作了一集介紹 Playground v2 設計理念和功能用法的內容
在OBS 打開 Playground v2 實現透明背景多人遊戲連動, 與你的 VTuber 朋友快樂遊玩~
使用 Playground v2 內建動作捕捉, 作為視窗來源在 OBS Studio 上快速直播教學
It’s been so long and we are wrapping up a HUGE update for Playground! and it's now in the beta stage and we are looking for early testers and hoping to do a few more iterations on your feedback.
We do our best to provide a secure collab tool for you and your friends. Check out the following Q&A and see if they can ease your concern!
Weeks ago, we released a trailer of our work in progress collaboration tool for VTubers — Playground.